Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Biggest Blood Blister Of All

you get, when you play soccer on dry pampa grass with no socks on

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carnavales de Oruro

the carnavales de oruro is supposedly the second most impressive carnival party in the world. the costumes are really detailed and have gimmicks like flame throwers! And of course heaps of girls with small skirts cant be missing!!

Carnavales de Oruro

Monday, February 15, 2010

La Pampa

Hui, that was a tour to Huaina Potosi.... It was time to calentarme , to warm me up. So what should be better than taking an airplane -- rather an aircraft -- to Rurrenabaque, a small town in the Bolivian Amazon basin? So for only 500 Bolivianos, 50 Euros, I took this aircraft:

which took me from 4000 m of altitude (Airport El Alto) to 400 m in Rurrenabaque, or just Rurre. The little machine was for only 18 passengers, and didnt even had a door to seperate the captain´s and the passenger´s cabin. So you could always see what the pilots were doing, espacially during approach for landing, when lots of lights started blinking and speakers made funny noises in order to indicate malfunctions :) But everything went fine and the experience to fly with such a small aircraft was really nice.

What followed were 3 days in the Pampa with animal spotting, of course. Check out the pics!

La Pampa

Huaina Potosi (6088 m)

Moin Moin,

how is carnival going in Germany with snow on the streets? At least you dont have to worry that your beers get warm :)

Well, before talking about the party, let me tell you about hard work, precisely, me working my arse up the Huaina Potosi, a peak with more than 6000 m, yeah!

The fun started at the agency collecting all the stuff that you need when you want to conquer a high peak: crampon, ice axe, very warm underwear, fleece cap, -20ยบ C sleeping back, plastic shoes, and more... You put all the stuff in a big sack, and there you go.

With a van we brought everything including us and the guides up to 4700 m to the first refugio. After a tasty almuerzo, we packed the equipment in our big backpacks and off we went to bring it up to 5300 m, our second refugio. The second refugio was literally just a cube-shaped hut, with 10 sleeping berths and a burner to cook pasta and tee. The second refugio:

The view from the refugio:

After dinner, we rested untill midnight (sleeping was not really possible) and then it was time to put on the equipment.

The ascent ws quite like the ascent to Cotopaxi, but we started higher and had to go higher. We got lucky with the weather: it wasnt snowing. So we only had to fight against our inner temptation not to go further.

When we were almost there, at 6030 m, we arrived at a very, very narrow ridge, with 700 m free fall on both sides. What to do? Well, I thought I came a long way, but didnt come to slip on this ridge and die a lonely death in the ice. So Thomas and me, we didnt go, the crazy guy from Austria, Lucas, did. Let me show you what scared us off:

But hey, I broke the 6000m-mark, yeaaah! Me at 6030 m:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Wow, for quite some time I didnt blog, now I will.

After Stine and me climbed the Cotopaxi, we thought it was time to take a break from the breathtaking part and start on something more smooth, so why not fly to Galapagos Islands in order to lose starring contests with wild animals!

And so we hired a double cabin on a boat called "Encantada" for just 1000 US for 8 days including accommodation, food, guide and water. And that was one of the cheapest options. But I tell you, it´s worth every cent. Check out the pictures:
